And the Winner Is!

And the Winner Is!

sbuxThanks for entering my giveaway. I really enjoyed reading all the comments about the moms in your life. I have 2 more even bigger giveaways coming up soon. Be sure to stay up-to-date with Celebrating Family so you can enter those as well.

Now, for the winner! picked sue345678 who posted:

“I liked Celebrating Family on Facebook and posted: My favorite memory of my mom is when she worked 3 minimum wage jobs to support us 8 kids the best she could when my father abandon us until she graduated from Nursing school.”

Wow, Sue.  It sounds like you have an awesome mom. Congratulations to you on winning my very first giveaway.

Don’t be sad if you didn’t win because I have 2 big giveaways coming up. Stay tuned for details.

Boost-your-Buzz-Summer-Banner1My Pictures






Technorati Tags: giveaway,blog bash,boost you buzz
About Janice

I am so glad you stopped by. Kick your shoes off and hang with me a while. I am an Arizona native, wife to a hard-working hubby, mom of two, and daughter of the King. I love sharing recipes, crafts, and family activities that any mom can do. Life is complicated enough, right? When I am not up to my ears in laundry, dishes, and creating for Celebrating Family, you will also find me at East Valley Mom Guide. Come follow me on Google +, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.


  1. Congrats Sue….though I am slightly jealous.

    Around My Family Table

  2. Auntie Pam says

    Congrats as well Sue. I am disappointed I won't be sipping a skinny vanilla!

  3. This is going to be a big one. I can't wait for it!

    Mary/Sweeping Me